Vacation Home Insurance
Vacation home insurance coverage helps you protect your second home in many of the same ways your homeowners insurance policy helps you protect your primary residence, but it is purchased as a separate policy. Why? Because homes that are not occupied full-time are considered higher risk — more vulnerable to theft and small problems (like a frozen or broken pipe) causing major damage if no one is home to notice. And if you rent out your second home as a short- or long-term rental, you may want additional coverage.
What does vacation home insurance cover?
Like homeowners insurance, second home insurance policies generally include three types of coverage:
Dwelling coverage helps pay for repairs if events like a household fire, lightning, storms or high winds damage your home.
Personal property coverage helps you replace your furniture, electronics, clothes and other belongings if they’re damaged, destroyed or stolen.
Personal liability protection helps pay for medical and legal costs if someone is injured or their personal property is damaged and it’s your fault.